What took several months to accomplish for Jules Verne’s ‘adventurers’ in “Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours”, we can do in 63 minutes. See how to go “63 Minutes”.
What is “63 Minutes”? A sci-fi movie or the unrealized idea of a charlatan scientist? “63 Minutes” might be various abandoned film sets in Morocco…or an anthropologist, who tries to decode corporate culture and gets obsessed with the story of a parachutist; Iceland with its volcanoes and love songs…among the ruins of the Tlatelolco site in Mexico City or aerosolar flights world records.
Far away you can see the snow-capped Chukotka and Beringia and a set in far-northern territories where Arctic waters meet rocky escarpments on which radio telescopes record fast-traveling quasar waves, and finally day turns into night.
After all, today’s touring adventure is not what it used to be. Let’s look at travel documentation, yesterday and today. Goethe would have needed hours and even days to illustrate some of Ferrara’s
landscapes in watercolor. Today, it takes an instant with that thing we carry in our pockets all day long. Maybe our travels around the world won’t be as charming as Jules Verne’s, but at least we may find some technology backward countries, and maybe even call it poetry.

The exhibition “63 minutes of untold stories” took place on December 2nd, 2021 at the old villa in the Blloku area, in front of One store.

63 minutes was curated by Ajola Xoxa and Fani Zguro, with the participation of Rä di Martino, Johan Grimonprez, Bruno Muzzolini, Anri Sala, Tomás Saraceno, Emilija Škarnulytė, Shingo Yoshida, Fani Zguro.