Harabel Contemporary Art Platform inaugurated the public artwork “The Skull” by artist Lumturi Blloshmi on 26th of May, 2022. This work was installed in the central hall of the University of Arts, Tirana.

This activity is part of the Manifesta 14 Western Balkans Project and is co-financed by the European Union.

Harabel is one of Manifesta 14 Prishtina partners and this is the fourth project organized within the program of Manifesta’s 14th edition for Albania.

The installation of the work “The Skull” at the University of Arts is an initiative of Harabel Contemporary with the support of Zenith Gallery.

Blloshmi’s artwork was exhibited for the first time in 2009. It is listed among the works of art that bear the symbolism of the human skull, realized by world-renowned artists, in homage to British artist Damien Hirst.

This work is made of resin in the shape of a skull and hundreds of cigarette stubs are glued to its surface. The artwork aims to raise awareness of waste and pollution, as well as it seeks to convey a reflection on life and death.

This piece is placed inside a transparent structure in the shape of a cube with a height of 130 cm and is exhibited in the central hall of the University of Arts, which serves as a passageway to the various art departments of the university.

About the artist

Lumturi Blloshmi (1944 – 2020) was an Albanian contemporary artist. Blloshmi completed the Artistic Lyceum “Jordan Misja”, Tirana (1959-1963), and then continued her studies at the Institute of Art in Tirana, where she graduated in 1968. Blloshmi is a member of the Albanian Women’s Artist Association “Linda”. Blloshmi started to create on the verge of the difficult events that artists had to experience in Albania during 1973-1974, where many senior party and state leaders and creative artists were sentenced to prison by dictator Enver Hoxha. So, in this period she painted mostly landscapes and portraits that she exhibited in contemporary national exhibitions, which were realistic.

Her works have been part of several solo and group exhibitions that have taken place in Albania and in international institutions.